Brexit parody – Hugo Rifkind

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Two and a half years on and Brexit is more farcical than ever. As every day passes, the rest of the world continues to watch in bemusement as the British, people formerly known for their stoic pragmatism, engage in an epic episode of national self-harm based largely on delusions of grandeur, nostalgia for days past and barely concealed mistrust of ‘Johnny Foreigner.’

Yet, despite the car crash currently unfolding, Brits still excel at one of their most positive national characteristics. Bitingly dark and self-deprecating humour. To see this in full force, enjoy Hugo Rifkind, son of a conservative politician and columnist of The Times, hilariously comparing Brexit to a ‘Cheese Submarine.’ in what has to be the best analogy of the year

Updated/maj. 30-12-2018

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