Living in sensitivity

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“When you’re deeply sensitive, love is ecstasy. Music is godlike. Heartache is a wide, somatic wound. Visual natural beauty is jewel-drenched, wild bliss. Tension and conflict are muscle tightening and toxic, straight down to the cells.

So how do you hold it all? You rinse, re-centre, and remain clear. You recycle your sensitivity by propelling yourself and others to create waves of change in a super starving world. Direct your passion by spreading your heart only across what clearly matters most. Surround yourself with the souls and spaces that groove alongside your own- the ones that also desire to chase the beauty, courage and freedom we’re all here to teach each other.

Choose love over fear and let go of all the rest, breathing what isn’t best for you straight out of your bones. Remember-there is power in the body. Harness it for the greater good, and allow nothing confusing, peace disrupting, or hurtful stand in its way.”

Victoria Erickson

“Instant illumination rarely happens.
Your tiny revelations will seep in stitch by stitch.
Rest the reaching.”

Background : who is Victoria, écrivaine Australienne? (Extrait de son site:

Hi, I’m Victoria.

Most of my time is spent with words, as they have been my passion since I could hold a pencil. I find them to be fascinating- the way the sound, shape, and texture of words can move off a page and through the cells, weaving through ones veins, and circling to the heart.

I spent years writing for various blogs, local magazines, and newspapers on a variety of subjects, yet now write for myself, and help brands and beings with a specific style of editing. It is a form of paragraph surgery- injecting and molding creativity, story, depth, and life into their social media streams, speeches, wedding vows, and books.

I coach creative writing both in person and online, focusing on writing from the body, as well as how to layer, notice and play with rhythm, elements, and energy within a paragraph.

Artful writing is an illuminating exchange between writer and reader- a true form of time travel, and sweet source of magic.

Having also held over a decade of experience in the holistic health industry, I believe in wildness and wellness. Everything I do stems from these two words, for they are the two words that make up a life filled with fuel, with wisdom, and with beauty.

When you’re creating and choosing paths from a primally intuitive place, life can be wondrously free, fiery, energetic, and extraordinary. I know. Seems radical. But I promise, it’s real.

My first book, Edge of Wonder, was released in the fall of 2015, and is available here: My second book, Rhythms & Roads, was released in the fall of 2016.

Both of my books are also available at Barnes & Noble (both in stores and online) and can be ordered at any indie bookstore through Ingram distributing.

I also lead creative writing live events such as workshops, retreats and seminars, that I announce over my social media channels.

Remember, that it’s beautiful to live in a body built for feeling, and live intensely on a planet exuding intensity.

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.”
Carl Jung

Updated/maj. 22-01-2022

Vues : 18