“Get Back” & Simon’s souvenirs

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An old friend from the days at the Lycée Français de Londres, with a truely admirable life, Simon Goodman, lives in the United States and has just posted this discovery whilst watching the three-part series about the early days of the Beatles.

“Watching “Get Back” episode 2 and half way through George interrupts rehearsals to open a bag … from me & my brother!!

Our record shop “One Stop” on South Molton St. was a few blocks from Apple. Every Friday we would send the Fab 4 a bag of new releases.”

Simon adds in comments : “This took place fairly early in January 69.”

Did they pay he is asked? “Always! And sometimes if I made the delivery personally they would give me a few spliftas for the weekend!!

Another friend comments : “They could of written another 5 tracks if you had not kept disturbing them 😂

Pour info : Diffusé sur Disney Channel, “The Beatles : Get Back” relate l’histoire de John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison et Ringo Starr alors qu’ils préparent leur premier concert depuis plus de 2 ans et s’attellent à l’écriture et aux répétitions de 14 nouvelles chansons. Face à des délais quasi impossibles à tenir, la série documentaire montre combien l’amitié unissant les membres du groupe s’est trouvée mise à rude épreuve”

Simon Goodman : Voir l’article du Gardian,  sur FaceBook “The Orpheus Clock“, lire son livre et ailleurs. “The passionate, true story of one man’s quest to reclaim what the Nazis stole from his family, their beloved art collection, and to restore their legacy.”

Updated/maj. 01-12-2021

Vues : 7