Gautam’s ephemeral butterfly

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By Anjali
Delightful little interlude this morning on the beach. Gautam, excitedly spied a small beige white butterfly with yellow spots fluttering in front of him, while we took our morning walk. Obviously newly born, as it could not fly very high and kept on dropping onto the coral on the beach before taking little flying steps. This gave G ample time to take photos of him enjoying his new birth by the sea. How it got there we don’t know. Gautam jogged off and I continued looking for shells. Every now and then the butterfly bobbed up in front of me trying to fly. Now it was getting perilously close to the sea. The waves had started to come in. It landed on a shell in front of me. I tried to wave it off. It flew a bit higher towards the waves, then came down again onto the sand. And then it was gone in the blink of an eye. I looked round and saw someone trying to get something out of their leashed dog’s mouth. But the dog was quite far away. Alas I feel this beautiful butterfly had gone to its watery grave before it had even had a chance to land on the vibrant bougainvilleas nearby. How fleeting life can be! But for one precious moment in the universe, a little butterfly was enjoying the gift of life and we were the lucky observers of its joy!

Updated/maj. 10-08-2019

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