Fée d’Hiver

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They are in bloom everywhere on our property since the end of the autumn.

They have grown haphazardly , near entrances, along pathways and the stone steps to the ‘Oustal’ guest house. Standing in small groups, two or three together, they are even more present since the harsh cold has set in.

These “Fée d’Hiver“, only some 20 centimeters tall, are the first irises of the new year. Of the ‘Unguicularis’ family, this flower is one of the first of my brother’s creations. He gave it this name, and registered it in 2000. And he took this ‘official’ photo.

These last 18 years, these unusual flowerings, from October to March, are part of our environment at the Trescols.

Seeing them one cannot help thinking of him. Particularly today, 14th January. We would have wished Lawrence his birthday, 64 years old.


‘Fée D’Hiver’ (Lawrence Ransom, R.2000). SPEC (unguicularis), height 10” (26 cm), Early through late bloom (October to March in Southwest France). Standards violet blue (RHS 86B); style arms light violet blue (90D); falls deeper violet blue (83B), slight plum blue (89C) flush either side of orange yellow signal band, hafts white veined violet blue. ‘Mary Barnard’ X unknown, seed from BIS. Iris au Trescols 2000.

Updated/maj. 21-01-2018

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